I'm Do Dinh Anh

A Software Engineer

About me

Do Dinh Anh avatar


I'm Do Dinh Anh, a software engineer with over 6 years of experience in JavaScript and NodeJS technologies, with good knowledge of React, Vue, Object-Oriented, Design Patterns and UI/UX designs.

I have experience building and optimizing user interfaces for a wide range of web applications and a track record of delivering high-quality and visually appealing front-end solutions.

Learning new languages and technologies is what I’m really keen on. I’m considered a teamplayer because I prefer to discuss innovative ideas with others and tend to work well within the group.

Besides, in order to keep my inspiration and motivation, I really love reading. My favorite books are Clean Code, Don't make me thing, You don't know JS series, Secrets of the Javascript Ninja, Building Micro-Frontends, Fullstack Vue and so on.


(+84) 987 196 695


Ha noi, Vietnam


Technical Skills

Programming Languages

  • JavaScript
  • NodeJS
  • HTML5, CSS3


  • ReactJS, NextJS, VueJS, NuxtJS, TypeScript
  • Lerna, Vite, Webpack, Gulp, Babel
  • JavaScript SDKs (Facebook, Google, Instagram, Firebase)
  • Sass, PostCSS, Material Design, Ant Design, Tailwind CSS, Storybook
  • Jest, Mocha, Testing Library, Cypress, Playwright

Deployment/Cloud platforms

  • CircleCI, DroneCI, Jenkins
  • Heroku, Firebase, AWS
  • Docker, Kubernetes

Database & Version Control

  • MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS SQL
  • Git, SVN

Soft Skills

  • Time management
  • Self-learning and keeping up with technologies
  • Teamwork spirit
  • Problem-solving and analytical skills
  • Critical thinking


  • Good understanding UI, UX designs
  • Good understanding of OOP methodologies
  • Good understanding Agile and Scrum development process

Working Experiences

Senior Frontend Developer

LINE Technology Vietnam

  • Project: Fortune 1to1 services (Japan)
  • Project Description: Services that allow you to consult a fortune teller about your troubles using chat, phone, video, and email by famous fortune-tellers who are popular on TV programs. Divination such as clairvoyance, aura, tarot, and palmistry is also abundant.
  • Technologies: ReactJS, NextJS, Typescript, PWAs,React Query, Websocket, WebRTC, Tailwind CSS, Jest,Playwright, LINE SDKs, DroneCI, Kubernetes, Nginx, Ansible

Web Developer


  • Project: PropertyScout (Thailand)
  • Project Description: The best platform to buy, sell and rent real estate in Thailand. Most listings, detailed and accurate information, best prices are guaranteed.
  • Technologies: ReactJS, NextJS, Typescript, PWAs, Redux, Redux-Saga, Tailwind CSS, Jest, Cypress, Google SDKs

Web Developer

NTQ Solution

  • Project: Serimu Jvideos (Japan)
  • Project Description: The enhanced video system provides a seamless viewing experience, allowing users to relax and watch content at their convenience.
  • Technologies: ReactJS, Redux, Webpack, Sass, Ant Design

Junior Developer

PowerGate Software

  • Project: OneIT CoventryCRM (Australia)
  • Project Description: The meeting management application allows users to schedule appointments with clients remotely, providing convenient access to booking at any time and from any location.
  • Technologies: Angular 2, HTML5, CSS3, Sass, Bootstrap 3

Pet Project

  • Trillo — An all-in-one booking app design (Sass, HTML5, CSS3)
  • Nexter — A house and apartment selling app design (Sass, HTML5, CSS3)
  • Natours — An exciting tours for adventure people app design (Sass, HTML5, CSS3)
  • React Weather — Global weather radar, daily forecast for cities (ReactJS, Typescript, Firebase SDK)
  • Node Magazine — Manage the user feed with real-time updates (NodeJS, GraphQL, SocketIO, ReactJS, Mongodb)
  • Salary Converter — Convert GROSS salary from NET to GROSS and vice versa (AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3)

Education and Qualification

Agile Developers

Agile Academy, Vietnam

Information Technology


PTIT, Vietnam

Information Technology